Thursday, June 29, 2023

With Every Memory is a Beautiful Story of Forgiveness and Redemption

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From page one, With Every Memory draws you in. Lori Mendenhall suffered a traumatic brain injury causing her to lose the last eight years of memories, including the memories of her son. Returning home from rehab, she finds it hard to adjust to life after. Her once loving and attentive husband, Michael is now a workaholic and her teenage daughter Avery is sullen and distant after the accident.
As memories return and secrets re-surface will she be able to rebuild her family?

Author Janine Rosche is a new-to-me author, and I absolutely loved her use of imagery and the cadence of her writing. I was blown away, very impressed and drawn into With Every Memory.  Every spare second I had outside of work and life responsibilities, my nose was buried in this book. 

Honestly, I was 75 pages in and already thinking that With Every Memory would be top my list of favorite reads of 2023 and I'm happy to say my reader instincts were correct. Warning: You're going to need some Kleenex when reading the last 20 pages...I ugly cried in my living room. 

Because With Every Memory deals with heavy topics, being in the right frame of mind is key to fully allow you to appreciate this beautiful story. I don't I like giving away plot twists, so I am keeping it vague on purpose for what these heavy topics include. If you would like more direction on what these topics are, feel free to email me and I am happy to let you know what they are. 

I liked how Ms. Rossche built the story between the mother Lori and daughter Avery's view points. It gave the story more depth, propelled the plot forward and gave the reader more insights into the characters. 

Janine Rosche is definitely an author whose books I'll be adding to my ever growing TBR pile.  If you love authentic stories of hope, forgiveness and redemption you need to check out With Every Memory

~~With Every Memory was provided to me by the author herself and Revell in return for my honest review. I received a complimentary copy of the book.  I was not required to write a positive review. All viewpoints expressed are my own. ~

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