Thursday, August 15, 2024

Meeting Her Match: Sadly Not a Solid Conclusion to Jen Turano's Matchmaker series

If you love to laugh while reading, I recommend picking up a Jen Turano book. She is known for her laugh-out-loud trademark humor that will have you giggling from page one. After loving A Match in the Making and To Spark a Match in her Matchmaker series, I was eager to read the 3rd book Meeting Her Match

After her own heartbreak seven years ago, Camilla Pierpont became a prominent matchmaker for New York’s upper crust, vowing never to marry herself. Instead, she dedicates herself to helping other ladies of the ton find matches. When Owen Chesterfield seeks out Camilla, desperate to save his sister from being exiled by society, he turns to her with confidence. Having heard of her success with Adelaide Duveen, he believes she is the only one who can salvage his sister's reputation.

I really enjoyed the main characters chemistry. Camilla is accustomed to men fawning over her and Owen is unlike any man she's met. He often unintendedly insults her, and she's intrigued by this. I also really enjoyed Owen's grandmother Mee-maw who was an absolute hoot! She had the funniest lines in the story, and I loved how direct she was with everyone. 

However, while there were funny moments in this story, if I were to rank the Matchmaker series of which book I liked the most I'd say it would be To Spark a Match, then A Match in the Making and then Meeting Her Match. I didn’t enjoy the last entry in the series as much because the heroine felt a bit too proper for my taste, and the dialogue sometimes dragged on, making it easy to lose track of the story. I would have to give this 2.5 stars for these reasons. Which is a bummer, because I love this author, but this story just didn't resonate with me. 

Have you read this book? What did you think of it? 

~~Meeting Her Match was provided to me by the author and publisher in return for my honest review. I received a complimentary copy of the book.  I was not required to write a positive review. All viewpoints expressed are my own. ~

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