Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Saved by the Matchmaker is Romantic Love Story

When I saw that book 2 in Jody Hedlund's A Shanahan Series, Saved by the Matchmaker, hinted at a (one of my favorite tropes, if you’ve been around for a while), I was curious to see how it would play out.

In Calling on the Matchmaker, Enya, the middle daughter is headstrong and outspoken. Her reckless nature landed her with an annulment and a sandal that could ruin the Shanahan name. To salvage her reputation her father enlists the help of a clever matchmaker.

Due to an ultimatum from his father, Captain Sullivan O'Brien is forced to marry or forfeit his livelihood as a steamboat captain. If he's grounded, he can't aid in his secret mission to free slaves.

Both Enya and Sullivan have scars: Her's are internal and his are external. I liked how the author showed how both characters deal with them differently. Both Enya and Sullivan have scars—hers are internal, and his are external. I appreciated how the author skillfully portrayed the different ways they cope with their wounds, highlighting their unique struggles. This contrast made Sullivan one of my favorite heroes that Jody Hedlund has created. His thoughtfulness and patience with Enya, despite his own visible scars, added depth to his character and made their relationship even more compelling.

The pacing of this book is set up so well. You are right in the action, starting with Enya's annulment then hasty marriage of convenience to O'Brien and then their adjusting to marriage Ms. Hedlund's provides a great blend of humorous, tense, and swoon-worthy moments throughout the story.

I listened to the audiobook version of Saved by the Matchmaker, and I noticed that in this book the author had more character internal analysis. Gaining insight into their thoughts gave you a greater understanding and depth to the characters. One of Hedlund's strengths as an author is a chemistry between the hero and heroine and she delivers in Saved by the Matchmaker

If you are a strict closed door romance reader, I'm noticing author Jody Hedlund pushes the envelope a bit in this series, with a little bit more suggestive language and focusing on physical side of a relationship and making it an emphasis to the plot. If you're okay with that I'd recommend reading this series, if you are not then I might pass. 

Saved by the Matchmaker is a romantic book that'll sweep you away with a beautiful love story. 

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