My new year countdown post is one of my favorite posts to write every year. With so many fantastic reads in 2024 it's hard to narrow down the list, but I'm up for the challenge.
Incidentally, is anyone else trying to wrap their head around the fact that it's going to be 25 years since the year 2000? (Y2K anyone?)
This year, books inspired me and helped me see the beauty in life's moments. I noticed that crying was a main response in many of the books I read this year. Not just crying once, but multiple times throughout the story. Either I'm getting more emotional, or the authors are getting better. While you're perusing this list, I'd recommend stocking up on Kleenex if you read any of these. Maye I should have a hankie rating next to my star rating.
In no particular order here are my top 5 books of 2024. Did any of these make it on your favorites list? Any books I'm leaving out? I'd love to know.